Counter-Propaganda Memetic Patches | Hybrid Digital-Physical Fashion NFT Drip Launch

DIGITALAX has teamed up with Polygon to launch the first real hybrid digital and physical fashion line, with memetic proof of uniqueness.

The fashion line is a collection of individual physical garments, each of which will be imprinted with a one-of-a-kind “memetic patch” NFT.

The memetic patches will be minted on Polygon as a unique ERC1155 NFT, using the DIGITALAX open-source digital pattern, material, and texture libraries.

It’s going live soon at DRIP.DIGITALAX.XYZ.

Anyone purchasing a physical item from the collection will receive an inventory claim ticket, allowing them to claim their unique memetic NFT in an Arkane or Metamask wallet, generated through the DIGITALAX platform once they sign up to the marketplace. Physical items are purchasable in fiat, so there is no barrier to entry for non-crypto natives. The collection is designed to serve as a gateway for fashion lovers into the world of crypto and NFTs.

Why MEMEs?

Memes are the most fundamental and modular information units that we use to communicate. They are digitally native and our bridge into the metaverse.

They articulate the complex entwinements of culture, politics, art, society, our economy and our online and offline interactions.

Each MEME centres on an important, confronting and all to real theme across;


Mod Culture

Rise of Skin Gambling

Exploitation in Fashion

Exploitation in Gaming

Exploitation in Esports

Player-Creator Economies

Digital Fashion

Creator Monetisation

Decentralised Commerce (#DECO)

Through Memes, we are cultivating activism potential and communicating these issues as pivotal information units for discussion, spreading them online through relevant communities and collaborating with key influencers and voices, native to Instagram and TikTok, to bring further visual salience and variety to the issues.

The Metaverse is already here. And with that comes great responsibility. We’re not here to replace the old bankers with a new set of bankers, the old gatekeepers with new gatekeepers, or the old system with a new system.

We are here to break free from the system. To enforce a metaverse built on pillars of decentralisation, open-source, access, untethered freedom and transparency.

Source : blog.polygon

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